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Finnish Room Committee, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Chapter, Finlandia Foundation
Seven Brothers and the Big Dipper Lights

We have a copy of
Seven Brothers
written by Aleksis Kivi in 1870.
"Seitsemän veljestä", Seven Brothers, is about the exploits of seven brothers in a village in Finland. It is widely regarded as the first significant novel written in Finnish and by a Finnish-speaking author.
We will install
Big Dipper Lights
The Big Dipper became known as a symbol for the Seven Brothers, from the song in the book which the neighbors made about them: "Like there are stars in the Big Dipper there are boys in Jukola".
The Big Dipper was originally introduced as lighting for the Finnish Room by architectural student Mika Gröndahl, winner of a contest held in Finland in 2006 to create a theme for the Finnish Room. The lights represented holes through which the smoke was ventilated, and here they were arranged in a big dipper shape, to evoke the Seven Brothers. This created the theme of his "Big Dipper" design. His entry is shown below, followed by an adaptation for the current design by architect Stephen Altherr.

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