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Finnish Room Committee, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Chapter, Finlandia Foundation

Go to and select the About button at the top left and then select Support the Nationality Rooms! --you will be sent to the page Donate to the Nationality Rooms. Cursor to the bottom of the page under the section General Funds and click the Finnish Room Construction link. You will be sent to the University of Pittsburgh/Pitt Giving page. Fill in the gift amount. Click on Choose Area(s) to Support. You will be sent to the page Select Your Area(s) of Support. Scroll down to the bottom and select Other and click Continue. The University of Pittsburgh/Pitt Giving page will appear again only this time Please Enter a Description of Where to Direct This Donation will appear under Designations. In the box below Please Enter a Description, type Finnish Construction Fund and continue filling in the form.
By Mail
Write a check to University of Pittsburgh and in the memo, put "Finnish Room". Send this to
University of Pittsburgh
PO Box 640093
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-0093
You can also send membership dues this way.
(Treasurer: send proceeds from Pitt events to Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs, 1209 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh, 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. )
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